Is Print Still Dead?

Scott Kravitz- Ironmark Printing

In today’s digital marketing landscape, it’s common to hear the question, “Isn’t print dead?” The answer is a resounding “no.” Despite the digital revolution, traditional marketing has not gone bust.

The world is now full of digitally connected devices that are always on. Businesses send and receive marketing messages, alerts, and ads via numerous platforms, apps, devices, and websites.

  • So Is Print Still Dead?
  • How Print Fits into B2B Marketing Today
  • The Bottom Line 

Is print dead? Not so fast…Sean Callahan quotes Peter Weinberg’s thoughts on marketing trends that revealed a thought-provoking idea.  A company that bases its marketing strategy on consensus opinion, such as “print is dead,” is destined to fail. If you do exactly what your competitors are doing (i.e., moving exclusively to digital marketing), then by definition, you lose your competitive advantage.


It’s 2024, and print is very much alive and presently facing a resurgence. It should be noted that general consumers favor it to a larger degree than the B2B marketing sector. According to a report by The Guardian, eBook sales fell by four percent in 2016 as the younger generations drove an appetite for print.

The future of print remains bright as long as there is a need to communicate and find novel and creative ways of doing so. Whether it transforms into 3D, VR-related, or AR-related, print has an enduring power that will always give it a firm foothold in the global communications marketplace.


Printing is now less expensive in some instances, and like most things in business, various factors affect its price. Which means you get what you pay for.

When using print for B2B marketing, consider the following ideas:

  • Take your most popular content piece and create a print asset. Formerly, a brochure would do just fine. However, today’s printing options are more flexible.
  • Print your most popular or universally-applied eBook as leave-behind booklets for meet-ups and presentations.
  • Use print to support your online presence and digital marketing.
  • Reinforce your customer relationships using printed content. You can produce small batches of select printed content and send it to valued customers. It will be a welcomed surprise when they find a high-quality magazine or book in their mailbox.
  • Physical branded assets, such as books or magazines, have an intrinsic value. For example, having your printed content sitting on the desk of some of your biggest clients is a form of promotion, especially when it acts as a conversation starter between decision-makers.



So is print still dead? Far from it. It’s currently enjoying a resurgence as one way for individuals to disconnect from a noisy online world. It’s also a trusted and tangible medium that provides an emotional connection and longevity that you cannot replicate by screen.

In fact, it’s safe to say that print has the potential to disrupt other digital media channels. It can prove quite useful for B2B marketers. It’s unique enough to command the attention of your target audience and compel them to explore something they otherwise might not have.

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