QR Codes Work!

In a recent article by Heidi Tolliver of What They Think! she covered the importance of integrating personalized QR Codes into direct mail campaigns and how they increase response rates 3x-5x beyond just the direct mail piece alone!

Personalized QR codes have been the butt of jokes for years in this industry. So why are they being taken seriously now? The reason; changes brought by COVID.

QR codes became widely accepted as part of contactless business communications, and now they have become part of the landscape. Since COVID, we have seen a significant increase in use cases. Plus, the QR code readers work now—unlike past apps.

What are some of the top applications for QR codes?

  • Contactless payments
  • Menu/ordering food
  • Registrations
  • Donations
  • Medical uses

Read the full article and see real use cases here

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